Rust & Python—A Gentle Comparison using Simple Neural Networks

⚠ Archived

This is an old post that has been migrated over one or more times. It may contain issues with certain images and formatting.


I am by no means proficient in Rust as you very well will see. As a result, these results should be taken with a pinch of salt. Any improvements are most welcome! There are some great discussions over at the /r/rust subreddit for more information about code optimisation that I highly recommend reading.


I recently had a task to implement a very simple Kohonen-Grossberg Neural Network which was particularly fun due to being relatively simple to implement.

My initial implementation was in Python with less than 60 lines of code. I wrapped a CLI around it and sat at around 90 lines of code.

After some thought, I figured that this would be a great learning experience for Rust (and it was) and would give me the opportunity to compare the two languages from multiple perspectives.


The following are the two implementations of KNN in Python and Rust. Keep in mind that this was originally written in Python and then ported to Rust.

Python Implementation

The following is the Python implementation which you can find here.

__author__ = 'Juxhin Dyrmishi Brigjaj'

import sys
import math
import random
import argparse

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A naive Kohonen-Grossberg Counterpropogation Network in Python')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--learning-rate', metavar='R', type=float, required=True,
                        help='Float indicating the learning rate (step) the network should use')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--csv-file', type=str, required=True,
                        help='Path to CSV file containing dataset')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--epoch', type=int, help="Number of epochs to complete", required=True, default=1000)
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--neurons', type=int, help="Number of neurons (units) to generate", required=True, default=3)
    return parser.parse_args()

def normalise(rows: list=()) -> list:

    _result = []

    for row in rows:
        _vector_length = math.sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in row]))
        _result.append([round(x / _vector_length, 4) for x in row])

    return _result

def generate_random_units(col_len: int, row_len: int) -> list:
    _result = []
    for _ in range(0, row_len):

        _result.append([round(random.uniform(0.0, 1.0), 4) for _ in range(0, col_len)])
    return _result

def calculate_nets(row, units):
    _nets = []
    for unit in units:
        _net = 0.0
        for i, _ in enumerate(unit):
            _net += round(row[i] * unit[i], 4)
        _nets.append(round(_net, 4))
    return _nets

def update_units(learning_rate: float, nets: list, row: list, units: list) -> bool:
    _i = nets.index(max(nets))

    for _j, column in enumerate(row):
        units[_i][_j] = round(units[_i][_j] + learning_rate * (column - units[_i][_j]), 4)

def main():
    args = parse_args()

    learning_rate = args.learning_rate
    unnormalised_dataset = []

        with open(args.csv_file, 'r') as csv_file:
            for line in csv_file:
                unnormalised_dataset.append([float(x) for x in line.split(',')])
    except TypeError as e:
        print("[!] FATAL: Dataset is malformed. Unable to parse values as floats.\n{}".format(str(e)))

    print("[+] Normalising dataset")

    rows = normalise(unnormalised_dataset)

    for row in rows:
        print('\t'.join([str(x) for x in row]))

    # Used to determine the number of columns in generate_random_units call
    # assuming that the dataset is consistent in width

    __unit_length = len(unnormalised_dataset[0])
    random_units = generate_random_units(__unit_length, args.neurons)

    print("\n[+] Starting Weights:")
    for unit in random_units:
        print(','.join([str(x) for x in unit]))

    for i in range(1, args.epoch + 1):

        if i % 100 == 0:
            print("[+] Running Epoch #{}".format(str(i)))
        for row in rows:
            nets = calculate_nets(row, random_units)
            update_units(learning_rate, nets, row, random_units)

    print("\n[+] Final Weights:")
    for unit in random_units:
        print(','.join([str(x) for x in unit]))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Rust Implementation

You can find the Rust implementation here.

extern crate clap;

use std::fs::File;

use clap::App;
use rand::distributions::{Distribution, Standard};

fn normalise(rows: &mut Vec<Vec<f32>>) {
    for row in rows.iter_mut() {
        let vector_length = row.into_iter().map(|x| x.powf(2.0)).fold(0.0, |a, b| a + b).sqrt();
        *row = row.into_iter().map(|x| *x / vector_length).collect();

fn generate_random_units(col_len: &usize, row_len: &usize) -> Vec<Vec<f32>> {
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();

        Standard.sample_iter(&mut rng).take(*col_len).collect())

fn calculate_nets(row: &Vec<f32>, units: &Vec<Vec<f32>>) -> Vec<f32> {

    let mut nets: Vec<f32> = Vec::with_capacity(units.len());

    for unit in units.iter() {
        let mut _net = 0.0;

        for (i, _) in unit.iter().enumerate() {
            unsafe {
                _net += row.get_unchecked(i as usize) * unit.get_unchecked(i as usize);



fn update_units(learning_rate: f32, nets: &Vec<f32>, row: &Vec<f32>, units: &mut Vec<Vec<f32>>) {

    // Sub-optimal...
    let mut iter = nets.iter().enumerate();
    let init =;

    let _i = iter.try_fold(init, |acc, x| {

        if let Some(_i) = x.1.partial_cmp(acc.1) {
            Some(if let std::cmp::Ordering::Greater = _i {
            } else {
        } else {

    row.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(_j, column)| {
        units[_i][_j] += learning_rate * (column - units[_i][_j]);

fn main() {
    let yaml = load_yaml!("clap-cli.yml");
    let matches = App::from_yaml(yaml).get_matches();

    let learning_rate = value_t!(matches, "LearningRate", f32).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
    let epoch = value_t!(matches, "Epoch", usize).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
    let neurons = value_t!(matches, "Neurons", usize).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());

    let mut dataset: Vec<Vec<f32>> = Vec::new();

    let file = File::open(matches.value_of("CSVFile").unwrap()).unwrap();
    let mut reader = csv::Reader::from_reader(file);

    for result in reader.records() {

        dataset.push(result.unwrap().iter().map(|x| {

    println!("\n[+] Normalising dataset");
    normalise(&mut dataset);

    for row in &dataset {
        println!("{:?}", &row);

    let __unit_length = &dataset[0].len();
    let mut units = generate_random_units(__unit_length, &neurons);
    println!("\nStarting Weights:");
    units.iter().for_each(|unit| {
        println!("{:?}", unit)


    for i in 1..epoch+1 {
        if i % 100 == 0 {
            println!("[+] Running Epoch #{:?}", &epoch);

        for row in &dataset {
            let nets = calculate_nets(&row, &units);
            update_units(learning_rate, &nets, &row, &mut units);

    println!("\n[+] Final Weights:");
    units.iter().for_each(|unit| {
        println!("{:?}", unit)

If you want to test this with the sample dataset I used, you can find it here. Ofcourse, feel free to test this with larger datasets, both in dimensions and count.


The CLI for both implementations are essentially the same (minus defaults not being handled in Rust via Clap).

KohonenGrossberg-NN.exe --help
KohonenGrossberg-NN 1.0
Juxhin D. Brigjaj <juxhinbox at>
A naive Kohonen-Grossberg Counterpropogation Network in Rust

    KohonenGrossberg-NN.exe --csv-file <CSVFile> --epoch <Epoch> --learning-rate <R> --neurons <Neurons>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -f, --csv-file <CSVFile>    Path to CSV file containing dataset
    -e, --epoch <Epoch>         Number of epochs to complete
    -l, --learning-rate <R>     Float indicating the learning rate (step) the network should use (i.e. 0.1)
    -n, --neurons <Neurons>     Number of neurons (units) to generate

Running it against the previous dataset with the following parameters.

KohonenGrossberg-NN.exe -f "\path\to\2d-unnormalised-dataset.csv" -e 100 -l 0.1 -n 3

[+] Normalising dataset
[-0.85355574, 0.5210016]
[0.99772507, -0.06741386]

Starting Weights:
[0.8944668, 0.8694155]
[0.0746305, 0.84058756]
[0.34859443, 0.71816105]

[+] Running Epoch #100

[+] Final Weights:
[0.95343673, -0.24061918]
[-0.75190365, 0.6541567]
[0.43543196, 0.8938945]

If we take each distinct section and plot it using desmos we can observe the result.


Unfortunately these images have been lost in time. If demanded, I can attempt to recreate them.


Starting off with the Python implementation on a small dataset with 5000 data entries.

Measure-Command { python .\ -f ".\2d-unnormalised-dataset.csv" -e 100 -l 0.1 -n 3 }

TotalSeconds      : 4.2432031
TotalMilliseconds : 4243.2031

Compared with the Rust implementation on the same dataset.

Measure-Command { .\KohonenGrossberg-NN.exe -f ".\2d-unnormalised-dataset.csv" -e 100 -n 3 -l 0.1 }

TotalSeconds      : 0.0667547
TotalMilliseconds : 66.7547


I kept increasing the dataset in checkpoints increasing over time up to 150k lines.

Python      Rust        Lines
72.114      13.1077     24
117.7726    18.2308     48
141.9611    18.8265     100
476.7803    21.0633     500
884.6529    23.1228     1000
4243.2031   66.7547     4999
124274.4748 1751.4639   150000

Whilst I did expect Rust to be faster, the margin seemed excessive. Profiling the Python implementation, I noticed the following.

Name                                # Calls Time(ms)
<built-in method builtins.round>    5508904	2701
calculate_nets	                    499900	3588
update_units	                      499900	1273
main	                              1	    5098

Looks like the built-in round() function took 53% of the execution time! Removing all floating-point round() calls alters the result by a noticeable degree.

Python      Rust        Lines
59.4613     13.1077     24
64.5703     18.2308     48
79.1932     18.8265     100
174.9629    21.0633     500
304.2106    23.1228     1000
1321.0426   66.7547     4999
39051.7759  1751.4639   150000

Overall we are looking at a ~22x advantage that Rust has over Python. This seemed more reasonble compared to the previous result.


The idea behind this post was not to point out how fast Rust is compared to Python. Rather, how fast it is against the ease-of-use that Python provides.

There are many simple scenarios that Python handles beautifully if accurate assumptions are made. For example, getting the index of the largest f32 in a list.

In Python we can simply write the following.

_i = nets.index(max(nets))

The same can’t be said for Rust (see this StackOverflow question I posted).

let mut iter = nets.iter().enumerate();
let init =;

let _i = iter.try_fold(init, |acc, x| {
    if let Some(_i) = x.1.partial_cmp(acc.1) {
        Some(if let std::cmp::Ordering::Greater = _i {
        } else {
    } else {

Another example is generating the initial random weights. Using uniform distribution in python is beautiful.

for _ in range(0, row_len):
      _result.append([random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) for _ in range(0, col_len)])

Whereas with Rust it’s far more obscure and hard to understand, at the very least to an untrained eye (in functional programming).

Note — looking back at this blog post I would definitely say that the second example is a lot more intuitive to read!

let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();

    Standard.sample_iter(&mut rng).take(*col_len).collect())


Despite the odd quirks and syntax, I’m in love with Rust, its performance, compiler and community. That said, I still use Python every day for most operations and feel that I can use Rust and Python hand-in-hand to complement eachother when needed.I can also see myself creating effective Proof-of-Concepts in Python then porting them over to Rust

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