How to avoid over reliance on `mpsc` channels in Rust

ⓘ Note

Shoutout to the folks over at /r/rust that helped guide some of the initial improvements in this post.


Channels in Rust are a really powerful tool for allowing cross-thread communication. I have used them in just about every single project, both professional and personal (e.g., Have I Been Squatted?). They enable this message passing pattern between threads that is safe, efficient, and dare I say, fun. This is particularly the case when using Tokio mpsc channels and utils such as select!. They really allow you to design actor-based systems that are quite resilient to change while doing a good job at utilising the underlying hardware.

During a recent livestream, Jon Gjengset raised a point which stuck with me. There are situations were I might be over-relying on mpsc channels. Situations that typically look like a fan-in pattern where we have a large number of producers and a single consumer. When we have a relatively small and stable number of producers, this pattern works well.

Example of fan-in with few producers

Significantly increasing the number of producers can lead to congestion on the consumer side, where the overhead of receiving and processing a message can lead to message backlog or messages being dropped. This is particularly dangerous when there is no backpressure and producers keep producing messages at a faster rate than the consumer can process them.

Example of fan-in with many producers

This post will explore an alternative method of enabling this fan-in pattern and explore its performance characteristics.


Imagine a situation where we have a large burst of data that we need to quickly process and send to a streaming client. This is what we do with Have I Been Squatted?. You input a domain in the input box and we generate a large number of possible permutations using twistrs. The permutations are then enriched with all sorts of data (e.g., geolocation, rdap/whois, server banners) and streamed back to you as quickly as possible.

As a baseline, we’ll have a simple socket server that listens to incoming tcp connections from a client. Think of this as a simple client-server connection.

loop {
    match buf).await {
        Ok(0) => return,
        Ok(n) => {
                "received {} bytes, msg: {}",

                .expect("failed to write data to socket");
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("failed to read from socket; err = {e:?}");

An actor client can be as simple as the following serial mpsc consumer.

// Wait for a message from one of our workers and send it to the server
loop {
    match rx.recv().await {
        Some(msg) => stream.write_all(&[msg]).await?,
        None => eprintln!("received none from channel"),

Using mpsc

Our first implementation for solving this problem can use an mpsc channel, where we have a single consumer, sending messages through the socket, and a large number of producers enriching some data. We name these actor and worker respectively.

pub async fn serial_worker(tx: UnboundedSender<u8>, samples: usize) {
    let mut potato = 0;

    for _ in 0..samples {
        potato = (potato + 1) % 255;

        if let Err(e) = tx.send(potato) {
            eprintln!("tx err: {:?}", e.0);

pub async fn serial_actor(mut rx: UnboundedReceiver<u8>) -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut stream = stream().await?;

    loop {
        match rx.recv().await {
            Some(msg) => stream.write_all(&[msg]).await?,
            None => eprintln!("received none from channel"),

Using Arc<Mutex<Vec<_>>>

An alternative approach is to instead rely on Arc<Mutex<Vec<_>>> to act as our buffer. The important aspects are the following:

Starting with our worker, which will look very similar to the mpsc worker.

pub async fn mutex_worker(buf: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>, samples: usize) {
    let mut potato = 0;

    for _ in 0..samples {
        potato = (potato + 1) % 255;

        let mut buf = buf.lock().unwrap();

The actor is where things get interesting. We need to be able to swap the buffers between the worker and actor. This is done by using a std::sync::Mutex to lock the buffer and swap it with a new buffer. This is done in a critical section to avoid contention.

pub async fn mutex_actor(buf: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>, samples: usize) -> io::Result<()> {
    // NOTE(jdb): We only allocate two buffers, whenever the consumer
    // consumes, it swaps the worker buffer with the current buffer
    // that is empty, and the current buffer is then consumed/cleared.
    let mut buffer = Vec::with_capacity(samples);
    let mut stream = stream().await?;

    loop {
        let mut current = buf.lock().unwrap();

        // Swap the buffer with an empty one.
        std::mem::swap(&mut buffer, &mut *current);

        // Consume the buffer

This has the benefit of consuming as many messages as possible in a single pass, improving the overall throughput.


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