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Welcome to my blog. I’m Juxhin (“Eugene”/“Yu-Jin”), an engineer with Maltese 🇲🇹 and Albanian 🇦🇱 roots, deeply embedded in the field of cybersecurity and engineering. My expertise lies in application security, embedded systems, and soft real-time systems. I have been the co-founder PhishDeck which has since been acquired, the head of engineering at Exein, and the co-founder of Have I Been Squatted?.
My passion for engineering extends beyond my professional work. The ingenious designs and complex challenges I observe in avionics, aerospace, and infrastructure serve as a constant source of inspiration for me. Beyond engineering, I’m interested in the business and economic strategies that drive our industries forward. I’m also an avid sports enthusiast, with a particular passion for boxing and motorsport (f1 and rally!).
This blog is my personal space for sharing insights that I gather over time in the world of engineering and technology, leadership, and the various passions that drive me. I’m not very active, however I hope this to be a place for durable and interesting ideas.
You are more than welcome to reach out directly on any of the above social platforms!